Credits ======= - Showdown v1 * [Estevão Santos]( * [Pascal Deschênes]( - Showdown v0 * [Corey Innis](<br/> Original GitHub project maintainer * [Remy Sharp](<br/> CommonJS-compatibility and more * [Konstantin Käfer](<br/> CommonJS packaging * [Roger Braun](<br/> Github-style code blocks * [Dominic Tarr](<br/> Documentation * [Cat Chen](<br/> Export fix * [Titus Stone](<br/> Mocha tests, extension mechanism, and bug fixes * [Rob Sutherland](<br/> The idea that lead to extensions * [Pavel Lang](<br/> Code cleanup * [Ben Combee](<br/> Regex optimization * [Adam Backstrom](<br/> WebKit bugfix * [Pascal Deschênes](<br/> Grunt support, extension fixes + additions, packaging improvements, documentation * [Estevão Santos](<br/> Bug fixing and late maintainer * [Hannah Wolfe](<br/> Bug fixes * [Alexandre Courtiol](<br/> Bug fixes and build optimization * [Karthik Balakrishnan](<br/> Support for table alignment * [rheber](<br/> Cli - Original Project * [John Gruber](<br/> Author of Markdown * [John Fraser](<br/> Author of Showdown