# single-line-log Node.js module that keeps writing to the same line in the console (or a stream). Very useful when you write progress bars, or a status message during longer operations. Supports multilines. ## Installation npm install single-line-log ## Usage ``` js var log = require('single-line-log').stdout; // or pass any stream: // var log = require('single-line-log')(process.stdout); var read = 0; var size = fs.statSync('super-large-file').size; var rs = fs.createReadStream('super-large-file'); rs.on('data', function(data) { read += data.length; var percentage = Math.floor(100*read/size); // Keep writing to the same two lines in the console log('Writing to super large file\n[' + percentage + '%]', read, 'bytes read'); }); ``` ## .clear() Clears the log (i.e., writes a newline). ``` js var log = require('single-line-log').stdout; log('Line 1'); log.clear(); log('Line 2'); ``` ## .stdout Outputs to `process.stdout`. ## .stderr Outputs to `process.stderr`. ## License MIT