# colornames Convert color names to HEX color values. [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/colornames.png)](https://nodei.co/npm/colornames/) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/timoxley/colornames.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/timoxley/colornames) [![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/timoxley/colornames.png)](https://david-dm.org/timoxley/colornames) ## Installation ### Component $ component install timoxley/colornames ### Node/Browserify $ npm install colornames ## Example ```js var toHex = require('colornames') ``` ### VGA color names ```js toHex('red') // => "#FF0000" toHex('blue') // => "#0000FF" ``` ### CSS color names ```js toHex('lightsalmon') // => "#FFA07A" toHex('mediumvioletred') // => "#C71585" ``` ### Get meta data about a color ```js toHex.get('red') // => { name: "red", css: true, value: "#FF0000", vga: true } ``` ### Conversion is case-insensitive ```js toHex('Blue') // => "#0000FF" toHex('BLUE') // => "#0000FF" toHex('BlUe') // => "#0000FF" ``` ## API ### colornames(name) Get HEX code for a color name, or `undefined` if unknown. ### .get(name) All known data about color, including whether valid VGA or CSS color name. ### .get.vga(name) HEX code for a color name, only if the color is a valid VGA color name. ### .get.css(name) HEX code for a color name, only if the color is a valid CSS color name. ###.all() Get all color names data. ## License MIT ## Complete Color Map ![example-color-table-](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/43438/643981/f57948a0-d381-11e2-99fd-197c44065564.png)