# Node-RSA Node.js RSA library
Based on jsbn library from Tom Wu http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~tjw/jsbn/ * Pure JavaScript * No needed OpenSSL * Generating keys * Supports long messages for encrypt/decrypt * Signing and verifying ## Example ```javascript const NodeRSA = require('node-rsa'); const key = new NodeRSA({b: 512}); const text = 'Hello RSA!'; const encrypted = key.encrypt(text, 'base64'); console.log('encrypted: ', encrypted); const decrypted = key.decrypt(encrypted, 'utf8'); console.log('decrypted: ', decrypted); ``` ## Installing ```shell npm install node-rsa ``` > Requires nodejs >= 8.11.1 ### Testing ```shell npm test ``` ## Work environment This library developed and tested primary for Node.js, but it still can work in browsers with [browserify](http://browserify.org/). ## Usage ### Create instance ```javascript const NodeRSA = require('node-rsa'); const key = new NodeRSA([keyData, [format]], [options]); ``` * keyData — `{string|buffer|object}` — parameters for generating key or the key in one of supported formats.
* format — `{string}` — format for importing key. See more details about formats in [Export/Import](#importexport-keys) section.
* options — `{object}` — additional settings. #### Options You can specify some options by second/third constructor argument, or over `key.setOptions()` method. * environment — working environment (default autodetect): * `'browser'` — will run pure js implementation of RSA algorithms. * `'node'` for `nodejs >= 0.10.x or io.js >= 1.x` — provide some native methods like sign/verify and encrypt/decrypt. * encryptionScheme — padding scheme for encrypt/decrypt. Can be `'pkcs1_oaep'` or `'pkcs1'`. Default `'pkcs1_oaep'`. * signingScheme — scheme used for signing and verifying. Can be `'pkcs1'` or `'pss'` or 'scheme-hash' format string (eg `'pss-sha1'`). Default `'pkcs1-sha256'`, or, if chosen pss: `'pss-sha1'`. > *Notice:* This lib supporting next hash algorithms: `'md5'`, `'ripemd160'`, `'sha1'`, `'sha256'`, `'sha512'` in browser and node environment and additional `'md4'`, `'sha'`, `'sha224'`, `'sha384'` in node only. Some [advanced options info](https://github.com/rzcoder/node-rsa/wiki/Advanced-options) #### Creating "empty" key ```javascript const key = new NodeRSA(); ``` #### Generate new 512bit-length key ```javascript const key = new NodeRSA({b: 512}); ``` Also you can use next method: ```javascript key.generateKeyPair([bits], [exp]); ``` * bits — `{int}` — key size in bits. 2048 by default. * exp — `{int}` — public exponent. 65537 by default. #### Load key from PEM string ```javascript const key = new NodeRSA('-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n'+ 'MIIBOQIBAAJAVY6quuzCwyOWzymJ7C4zXjeV/232wt2ZgJZ1kHzjI73wnhQ3WQcL\n'+ 'DFCSoi2lPUW8/zspk0qWvPdtp6Jg5Lu7hwIDAQABAkBEws9mQahZ6r1mq2zEm3D/\n'+ 'VM9BpV//xtd6p/G+eRCYBT2qshGx42ucdgZCYJptFoW+HEx/jtzWe74yK6jGIkWJ\n'+ 'AiEAoNAMsPqwWwTyjDZCo9iKvfIQvd3MWnmtFmjiHoPtjx0CIQCIMypAEEkZuQUi\n'+ 'pMoreJrOlLJWdc0bfhzNAJjxsTv/8wIgQG0ZqI3GubBxu9rBOAM5EoA4VNjXVigJ\n'+ 'QEEk1jTkp8ECIQCHhsoq90mWM/p9L5cQzLDWkTYoPI49Ji+Iemi2T5MRqwIgQl07\n'+ 'Es+KCn25OKXR/FJ5fu6A6A+MptABL3r8SEjlpLc=\n'+ '-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'); ``` ### Import/Export keys ```javascript key.importKey(keyData, [format]); key.exportKey([format]); ``` * keyData — `{string|buffer}` — may be: * key in PEM string * Buffer containing PEM string * Buffer containing DER encoded data * Object contains key components * format — `{string}` — format id for export/import. #### Format string syntax Format string composed of several parts: `scheme-[key_type]-[output_type]`
Scheme — NodeRSA supports multiple format schemes for import/export keys: * `'pkcs1'` — public key starts from `'-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----'` header and private key starts from `'-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'` header * `'pkcs8'` — public key starts from `'-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----'` header and private key starts from `'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----'` header * `'components'` — use it for import/export key from/to raw components (see example below). For private key, importing data should contain all private key components, for public key: only public exponent (`e`) and modulus (`n`). All components (except `e`) should be Buffer, `e` could be Buffer or just normal Number. Key type — can be `'private'` or `'public'`. Default `'private'`
Output type — can be: * `'pem'` — Base64 encoded string with header and footer. Used by default. * `'der'` — Binary encoded key data. > *Notice:* For import, if *keyData* is PEM string or buffer containing string, you can do not specify format, but if you provide *keyData* as DER you must specify it in format string. **Shortcuts and examples** * `'private'` or `'pkcs1'` or `'pkcs1-private'` == `'pkcs1-private-pem'` — private key encoded in pcks1 scheme as pem string. * `'public'` or `'pkcs8-public'` == `'pkcs8-public-pem'` — public key encoded in pcks8 scheme as pem string. * `'pkcs8'` or `'pkcs8-private'` == `'pkcs8-private-pem'` — private key encoded in pcks8 scheme as pem string. * `'pkcs1-der'` == `'pkcs1-private-der'` — private key encoded in pcks1 scheme as binary buffer. * `'pkcs8-public-der'` — public key encoded in pcks8 scheme as binary buffer. **Code example** ```javascript const keyData = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- ... -----END PUBLIC KEY-----'; key.importKey(keyData, 'pkcs8'); const publicDer = key.exportKey('pkcs8-public-der'); const privateDer = key.exportKey('pkcs1-der'); ``` ```javascript key.importKey({ n: Buffer.from('0086fa9ba066685845fc03833a9699c8baefb53cfbf19052a7f10f1eaa30488cec1ceb752bdff2df9fad6c64b3498956e7dbab4035b4823c99a44cc57088a23783', 'hex'), e: 65537, d: Buffer.from('5d2f0dd982596ef781affb1cab73a77c46985c6da2aafc252cea3f4546e80f40c0e247d7d9467750ea1321cc5aa638871b3ed96d19dcc124916b0bcb296f35e1', 'hex'), p: Buffer.from('00c59419db615e56b9805cc45673a32d278917534804171edcf925ab1df203927f', 'hex'), q: Buffer.from('00aee3f86b66087abc069b8b1736e38ad6af624f7ea80e70b95f4ff2bf77cd90fd', 'hex'), dmp1: Buffer.from('008112f5a969fcb56f4e3a4c51a60dcdebec157ee4a7376b843487b53844e8ac85', 'hex'), dmq1: Buffer.from('1a7370470e0f8a4095df40922a430fe498720e03e1f70d257c3ce34202249d21', 'hex'), coeff: Buffer.from('00b399675e5e81506b729a777cc03026f0b2119853dfc5eb124610c0ab82999e45', 'hex') }, 'components'); const publicComponents = key.exportKey('components-public'); console.log(publicComponents); /* { n: , e: 65537 } */ ``` If you want to only import the public key use `'components-public'` as an option: ```javascript key.importKey({ n: Buffer.from('0086fa9ba066685845fc03833a9699c8baefb53cfbf19052a7f10f1eaa30488cec1ceb752bdff2df9fad6c64b3498956e7dbab4035b4823c99a44cc57088a23783', 'hex'), e: 65537, }, 'components-public'); ``` ### Properties #### Key testing ```javascript key.isPrivate(); key.isPublic([strict]); ``` strict — `{boolean}` — if true method will return false if key pair have private exponent. Default `false`. ```javascript key.isEmpty(); ``` Return `true` if key pair doesn't have any data. #### Key info ```javascript key.getKeySize(); ``` Return key size in bits. ```javascript key.getMaxMessageSize(); ``` Return max data size for encrypt in bytes. ### Encrypting/decrypting ```javascript key.encrypt(buffer, [encoding], [source_encoding]); key.encryptPrivate(buffer, [encoding], [source_encoding]); // use private key for encryption ``` Return encrypted data.
* buffer — `{buffer}` — data for encrypting, may be string, Buffer, or any object/array. Arrays and objects will encoded to JSON string first.
* encoding — `{string}` — encoding for output result, may be `'buffer'`, `'binary'`, `'hex'` or `'base64'`. Default `'buffer'`.
* source_encoding — `{string}` — source encoding, works only with string buffer. Can take standard Node.js Buffer encodings (hex, utf8, base64, etc). `'utf8'` by default.
```javascript key.decrypt(buffer, [encoding]); key.decryptPublic(buffer, [encoding]); // use public key for decryption ``` Return decrypted data.
* buffer — `{buffer}` — data for decrypting. Takes Buffer object or base64 encoded string.
* encoding — `{string}` — encoding for result string. Can also take `'buffer'` for raw Buffer object, or `'json'` for automatic JSON.parse result. Default `'buffer'`. > *Notice:* `encryptPrivate` and `decryptPublic` using only pkcs1 padding type 1 (not random) ### Signing/Verifying ```javascript key.sign(buffer, [encoding], [source_encoding]); ``` Return signature for buffer. All the arguments are the same as for `encrypt` method. ```javascript key.verify(buffer, signature, [source_encoding], [signature_encoding]) ``` Return result of check, `true` or `false`.
* buffer — `{buffer}` — data for check, same as `encrypt` method.
* signature — `{string}` — signature for check, result of `sign` method.
* source_encoding — `{string}` — same as for `encrypt` method.
* signature_encoding — `{string}` — encoding of given signature. May be `'buffer'`, `'binary'`, `'hex'` or `'base64'`. Default `'buffer'`. ## Contributing Questions, comments, bug reports, and pull requests are all welcome. ## Changelog ### 1.0.2 * Importing keys from PEM now is less dependent on non-key data in files. ### 1.0.1 * `importKey()` now returns `this` ### 1.0.0 * Using semver now 🎉 * **Breaking change**: Drop support nodejs < 8.11.1 * **Possible breaking change**: `new Buffer()` call as deprecated was replaced by `Buffer.from` & `Buffer.alloc`. * **Possible breaking change**: Drop support for hash scheme `sha` (was removed in node ~10). `sha1`, `sha256` and others still works. * **Possible breaking change**: Little change in environment detect algorithm. ### 0.4.2 * `no padding` scheme will padded data with zeros on all environments. ### 0.4.1 * `PKCS1 no padding` scheme support. ### 0.4.0 * License changed from BSD to MIT. * Some changes in internal api. ### 0.3.3 * Fixed PSS encode/verify methods with max salt length. ### 0.3.2 * Fixed environment detection in web worker. ### 0.3.0 * Added import/export from/to raw key components. * Removed lodash from dependencies. ### 0.2.30 * Fixed a issue when the key was generated by 1 bit smaller than specified. It may slow down the generation of large keys. ### 0.2.24 * Now used old hash APIs for webpack compatible. ### 0.2.22 * `encryptPrivate` and `decryptPublic` now using only pkcs1 (type 1) padding. ### 0.2.20 * Added `.encryptPrivate()` and `.decryptPublic()` methods. * Encrypt/decrypt methods in nodejs 0.12.x and io.js using native implementation (> 40x speed boost). * Fixed some regex issue causing catastrophic backtracking. ### 0.2.10 * **Methods `.exportPrivate()` and `.exportPublic()` was replaced by `.exportKey([format])`.** * By default `.exportKey()` returns private key as `.exportPrivate()`, if you need public key from `.exportPublic()` you must specify format as `'public'` or `'pkcs8-public-pem'`. * Method `.importKey(key, [format])` now has second argument. ### 0.2.0 * **`.getPublicPEM()` method was renamed to `.exportPublic()`** * **`.getPrivatePEM()` method was renamed to `.exportPrivate()`** * **`.loadFromPEM()` method was renamed to `.importKey()`** * Added PKCS1_OAEP encrypting/decrypting support. * **PKCS1_OAEP now default scheme, you need to specify 'encryptingScheme' option to 'pkcs1' for compatibility with 0.1.x version of NodeRSA.** * Added PSS signing/verifying support. * Signing now supports `'md5'`, `'ripemd160'`, `'sha1'`, `'sha256'`, `'sha512'` hash algorithms in both environments and additional `'md4'`, `'sha'`, `'sha224'`, `'sha384'` for nodejs env. * **`options.signingAlgorithm` was renamed to `options.signingScheme`** * Added `encryptingScheme` option. * Property `key.options` now mark as private. Added `key.setOptions(options)` method. ### 0.1.54 * Added support for loading PEM key from Buffer (`fs.readFileSync()` output). * Added `isEmpty()` method. ### 0.1.52 * Improve work with not properly trimming PEM strings. ### 0.1.50 * Implemented native js signing and verifying for browsers. * `options.signingAlgorithm` now takes only hash-algorithm name. * Added `.getKeySize()` and `.getMaxMessageSize()` methods. * `.loadFromPublicPEM` and `.loadFromPrivatePEM` methods marked as private. ### 0.1.40 * Added signing/verifying. ### 0.1.30 * Added long message support. ## License Copyright (c) 2014 rzcoder
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ## Licensing for code used in rsa.js and jsbn.js Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Tom Wu
All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL TOM WU BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. In addition, the following condition applies: All redistributions must retain an intact copy of this copyright notice and disclaimer. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rzcoder/node-rsa.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/rzcoder/node-rsa)