'use strict';
const stream = require('stream');
const util = require('util');
* Constructor function for the TransportStream. This is the base prototype
* that all `winston >= 3` transports should inherit from.
* @param {Object} opts Options for this TransportStream instance
* @param {String} opts.level HIGHEST level according to RFC5424.
* @param {Boolean} opts.handleExceptions If true, info with { exception: true } will be written.
* @param {Function} opts.log Custom log function for simple Transport creation
* @param {Function} opts.close Called on "unpipe" from parent
var TransportStream = module.exports = function TransportStream(opts) {
stream.Writable.call(this, { objectMode: true });
opts = opts || {};
// TODO (indexzero): What do we do with formats on TransportStream
// instances? Should we do the same dance as in `winston.Logger`?
this.format = opts.format;
this.level = opts.level;
this.handleExceptions = opts.handleExceptions;
this.log = this.log || opts.log;
this.close = this.close || opts.close;
var self = this;
// Get the levels from the source we are piped from.
this.once('pipe', function (logger) {
// Remark (indexzero): this bookkeeping can only support multiple
// Logger parents with the same `levels`. This comes into play in
// the `winston.Container` code in which `container.add` takes
// a fully realized set of options with pre-constructed TransportStreams.
self.levels = logger.levels;
self.level = self.level || logger.level;
self.parent = logger;
// If and/or when the transport is removed from this instance
this.once('unpipe', function (src) {
// Remark (indexzero): this bookkeeping can only support multiple
// Logger parents with the same `levels`. This comes into play in
// the `winston.Container` code in which `container.add` takes
// a fully realized set of options with pre-constructed TransportStreams.
Eif (src === self.parent) {
this.parent = null;
if (self.close) {
util.inherits(TransportStream, stream.Writable);
* @private function _write(info)
* Writes the info object to our transport instance.
TransportStream.prototype._write = function (info, enc, callback) {
if (info.exception && !this.handleExceptions) {
return callback(null);
// Remark: This has to be handled in the base transport now because we cannot
// conditionally write to our pipe targets as stream.
if (!this.level || this.levels[this.level] >= this.levels[info.level]) {
return this.log(info, callback);
return callback(null);